
Blogger Recognition Award


I was nominated for The Blogger Recognition Award by Ash at For The Love Of Books! Check out her blog for some really great reviews and posts!

Here are the rules for the award:

-Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
-Write a post to show your award.
-Give a brief story of how your blog started.
-Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
-Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
-Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.

The Beginning of Reading In The Wings:

I have been very fortunate in my acting career to have been working pretty consistently since I graduated college, but as a performer your work is never steady. You have to find ways to keep yourself creative and sane during those lulls between gigs. I have always loved reading, and it’s one of the things that helps me to escape the craziness of my career for a moment.  I was looking for something to fulfill me while working through the audition and “survival job” grind, and Reading In the Wings was born.  It gave me a creative outlet, and became something that I looked forward to working on, which helped me stay positive.  It recharged me when I’d come home frustrated from doing 2 auditions and then going to my day job and dealing with cranky customers.  It refreshed my love for theatre by making me noticeably happier in everyday life.  I am so thankful to my amazing roommates, Joey and Michael, and my boyfriend, Conor, for not laughing at me when I came home from work and said “I think I’m gonna start a blog about books.”  It really has turned into something I love and am proud of, and I can’t wait to see where it will go!

Two Pieces of Advice for New Bloggers:

1. Do not be afraid to share your blog with your real life people!  At first, I was so nervous to tell the people in my life that I had started a blog, and I stuck to the book blog community.  When I eventually shared it, the responses were overwhelmingly positive and supportive, and it has made it that much more rewarding and fun!

2. Don’t stress about trying to be original.  Just write what you want to write, and eventually you will find your voice, and figure out what works for you and your blog.


I nominate Rose at Tea With Rose’s Tomes, Arya at Fan Girl Arya, Elise at Roaming Reader, Breeny at Breeny’s Books, Maddie at Well-Read Twenty Something, Jodie at Read the Write Act, Sea at Sea Reads, Destiny at Howling Libraries, The Orangutan at The Orangutan Librarian, Aentee at Read at Midnight, Stuart at Always Trust in Books, Kris at Boston Book Reader, Sarah at Book Hooked Nook, Carissa at Carissa Reads It All, and Erin at A Redhead’s Rambling.




15 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Thanks for the nomination!
    I really need to follow your advice about telling IRL friends about my blog XD I usually keep it a secret and haven’t even really told my family about it… opps


    1. You’re welcome! 🙂 and I know. At first I was so embarrassed to share it, and sometimes depending on who I’m talking to I still get a little nervous about it, but honestly most people are so supportive and think its awesome! 🙂


  2. Thank you so much for nominating me!! That’s so cool how you got started on this!! And I love your advice about sharing this with real life people- I was a little nervous about doing that at first and didn’t expect people to read it when I did- but one friend last week told me she’s been following a while and was really lovely about it, made my day! 😀

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