Broadway Book Chat

Broadway Book Chat: Joey Ortolani

As an actor, every job you do, you make a new family.  There is something special about theatre and its ability to bring people together in a way that is unlike any other.  I have made so many amazing friends throughout my career, and many of them share my love of books and literature.  Since theatre brings stories to life, I thought I would feature some of my favorite performers (my fabulous friends and cast mates) and see what their bookshelves look like! Welcome to my Broadway Book Chat!

Joey Ortolani

From The First National Tour of Bullets Over Broadway

Instagram: @joeyorto

What are you currently reading?

Currently, I’m reading The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. When C.S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia, he wrote six stories starting with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. The seventh story, The Magician’s Nephew, was a prequel. I LOOOOVE origin stories in worlds I already love, such as Narnia.

What is your favorite book series?

Other than Harry Potter, I would say it would have to be the A Darker Shade of Magic series by V.E. Schwab. I say “other than Harry Potter” because anyone who knows me, knows what a staple in my life those stories are, so it kinda goes without saying. A Darker Shade of Magic and it’s two sequels mash up so many different kinds of magic. It’s Narnia, meeting The Last Airbender, meeting Harry Potter, meeting Game of Thrones. It’s fantastic.

Who is your favorite author? What makes them special to you?

I would say my favorite author is C.S. Lewis. When I was in high school (a Christian high school no less) I took an elective class my senior year studying his work. It was the first time I’d spent reading different works by the same author outside of a series. The Chronicles of Narnia are supposed to be allegories for biblical stories and I always felt like his writing style did the job so expertly and subtly, while still teaching the principle. His book, The Great Divorce, is very high on my recommendation list and had a very profound impact on me at that time in my life.

What book inspires you and why?

One book that changed me was The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky. The book deals with many difficult topics that hit close to home for me. It was a piece of literature that showed me that being different from “normal” people was ok and something to be celebrated.

Do you have a favorite genre bubble or are you adventurous?

I typically live in the Fantasy genre, but sometimes branch off into historical books. Bill O’Reilly wrote a series of books called Killing.. dealing with the historical context surrounding the death of prominent figures in history. I found Killing Jesus and Killing Lincoln extremely fascinating.

Which literary character would you like to play?

I would truly love to play Harry Potter. When I was in sixth grade and read The Sorcerer’s Stone, I was captured in the second chapter because Harry Potter’s physical description was my exact physical description at the time. To paraphrase “almost 11 years old and a skinny knobby kneed boy with messy black hair and green eyes.” That was exactly me. While Harry Potter being portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe is shorter, and subsequently portrayed in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as “no taller than 5’ 8” in the most recent casting notices (yes I checked) in the books he’s described as above average in height as well. That’s me!

If you could be friends with any of the characters you have played, who would it be and why?

I’m an ensemble boy, so the few times I’ve played a role, it’s actually more of a villain role, or a bad boy, so I can’t really pick. If we’re talking ensemble scenes, I’d have to pick the “character” I was playing when I put on a GIANT hotdog costume in Bullets Over Broadway. That guy was jubilant and thrilled to be wearing a giant Hot Dog and just sounds like a stand up fella.

What book would you like to see made into a musical/play/movie?

Definitely A Darker Shade of Magic made into a movie or a Game of Thrones-style series on HBO. It would be EPIC.

What is the next book on your reading list?

Next on my list is. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins which is the prequel novel to The Hunger Games.

Have you ever thought about writing yourself?

Not really. I’ve played with fan fiction when I’m REALLY bored, and I honestly think I know the Harry Potter material and world well enough to write really great content if that sort of job ever existed.

What was the last show/project you worked on?

Last project I worked on was a big production number for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO. I was dancer (standing right next to John for the whole final sequence) and also worked on the preproduction for the month leading up to the project. The number was called E.S.B. (East Shit Bob), and was actually nominated for 2 Emmy’s for editing and Best Original Song!

What is your favorite show you’ve been a part of and why?

My favorite show i’ve ever been part of was the Broadway First National Tour of Bullets Over Broadway. The list of reasons is LONG. The biggest reason would be that at the time I was cast, Bullets… was my absolutely favorite musical I had ever seen on stage. I could write a doctoral dissertation on why I think the show was grossly under appreciated during its broadway run, and why I think it’s so amazing. It was the definition of a dream come true to be cast in your favorite show in it’s original broadway form, hand picked by and working with Tony winner Susan Stroman and her right hand men, Jeff Whiting and James Gray, and getting paid for it all. That’s THE dream. Playing some of the most incredible venues in the USA, with some of the most talented people I have ever met, who would also become the closest friends I have to this very day, all while doing a show that brought me immeasurable joy every single time I stepped on stage. And it’s been the gift that keeps on giving. The tour ran 2015-2016. In 2017, we remounted the show at Ogunquit playhouse with Vinny Pastore for the original broadway company, and Sally Struthers, who I idolize and was star struck by for 8 weeks straight. My experience in the tour of Bullets.. brought immeasurable joy, love, family, and experience into my life. Nothing will ever be like it.

Thank you to my dear, dear friend, Joey, for sharing with us! I feature a new performer every month, so check back for our next guest! I would love some suggestions for new questions you would like to ask, or things you want to know from our performers.  Leave them in the comments and I will add them to future interviews! ❤

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