Broadway Book Chat

Broadway Book Chat: Keri René Fuller from Cats

It's Liberation Day.

As an actor, every job you do, you make a new family.  There is something special about theatre and its ability to bring people together in a way that is unlike any other.  I have made so many amazing friends throughout my career, and many of them share my love of books and literature.  Since theatre brings stories to life, I thought I would feature some of my favorite performers (my fabulous friends and cast mates) and see what their bookshelves look like! Welcome to my Broadway Book Chat!

Keri René Fuller

Headshot High Definition

Currently playing Grizabella in the North American Tour of Cats

instagram: @krfuller13

What are you currently reading?

I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! I haven’t started another book yet, but I brought Wuthering Heights, so that will be my next one.

What is your favorite book series?

Harry Potter.  Hands down.

Who is your favorite author?

Haruki Murakami, if I had to pick just one. I love the way he weaves words together to create a story. He has such an imagination and every story is a journey.

What book inspires you and why?

This will not be a popular opinion to anyone who has read it because it is a rather dark story, but I remember reading My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent and being so inspired to live and love nature, as well as make sure my hands and love were always extended towards anyone who has dealt with abuse.

Which literary character would you like to play?

Wow…that’s a hard one. I remember Blanche DeBois from A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams…she is such an intricately flawed character and so full of faults and confusions, plus so emotionally guarded and injured that she would be such a trip to play.


If you could be friends with any of the characters you have played, who would it be and why?

I have played a lotttt of loners haha, so any of those character would be good, because we all need friends in this world. But if I had to choose, I would probably say Jenna

Hunterson in WAITRESS because she has a great sense of humor and is a strong woman who blazes her own path even despite the mistakes she makes.

What book would you like to see made into a musical/play/movie?

I would love to see So B. It by Sarah Weeks be made into a play or a (better) movie. I feel like the mother/daughter dynamic in that book is so strong and intricate that it would touch a lot of people’s lives.

Have you ever thought about writing yourself?

I would love to be able to write a book, but I feel like if I were able to sit down and put something together that it would be more of an informational book or a guide type. As much as I love diving into worlds other people create, I am not the best at conjuring up those worlds myself.

What is your favorite show you’ve been a part of and why?

When I played Rose in DOGFIGHT, I knew I would never play such a complex character again in the near future. The strength and fragility, the anger and forgiveness she feels and the way she speaks her mind and wears her heart on her sleeve blow me away…it was such a gift to walk in her shoes.

What show are you currently in/what was the last show you were in and who did you play?

I am Grizabella in the North American Tour of CATS! The last show I did was WAITRESS on Broadway where I played a Pantry Person and understudied Jenna Hunterson.

See Keri (and yours truly) around the US in Cats! Click here for tickets and tour stops!

I feature a new performer every month, so check back in March for our next guest! I would really love some suggestions for new questions you would like to ask, or things you want to know.  Leave them in the comments and I will add them to future interviews! Shout out to my wonderful friend, cast mate, and sometimes roomie, Keri for sharing with us ❤